

Blogging has been proven to be a highly successfully inbound marketing tactic for many years now. Blog is an abbreviated version of “weblog,” which is a term used to describe websites that maintain an ongoing chronicle of information. A blog features diary-type commentary and links to articles on other websites, usually presented as a list of entries in reverse chronological order. Blogs range from the personal to the political, and can focus on one narrow subject or a whole range of subjects.

Many blogs focus on a particular topic, such as web design, home staging, sports, or mobile technology. Some are more eclectic, presenting links to all types of other sites. And others are more like personal journals, presenting the author’s daily life and thoughts.

Five Reasons why I should have a blog?

  •  Draw Traffic to Your Website : Blogging represents fresh content. Websites are generally static forums. That is website that you don’t change the content on a regular basis. Blogs present an opportunity to add fresh, new, interesting content to your website on a regular basis. Good content also attracts readers/visitors, and if you’re producing new, good content regularly, not only will you attract new people to your website, but you’ll keep people coming back for more. Of course, only a small percentage of traffic is converted to customers, but there’s certainly a positive correlation between the two. Importantly, unconverted traffic is still increasing rankings, promoting your brand and building/growing relationships with potential clients.
  •  Increase Search Engine Rankings: Everyone wants to rank high on Google. The vast majority of Internet traffic originates from Google searches. Very few people are finding your website by typing: – and the ones that do are an audience you’ve already engaged. Instead, they ‘Google’ words or phrases that relate to your website, and if Google (or other less dominant search engines) consider your page highly relevant, your website will pop up in the first few results. Google’s algorithms (which determine the ranking value of your website) take in to account.

    3 Simplified components that are directly impacted by blogging:

    i. Keywords: Every time you post a blog, your website grows with a new page full of relevant words, terms and phrases, which emphasize your presence in search engine results. Also, as mentioned earlier, it tells Google that your website is not dormant – it’s relevant, and producing fresh new content regularly, an important ranking tool.

    ii. Traffic: If your blog post is gathering hundreds/thousands/tens of thousands of views, Google recognizes that this must be a high quality page to be attracting so much traffic, which positively impacts ranking. Thus, traffic correlates to higher ranking while higher ranking obviously correlates to more traffic. Therefore, TRAFFIC IS GOOD!

    iii. Links: Another proven ranking factor for Google is ‘links’ (considered the most influential ranking factor). Good blogging promotes other people linking to your blog from their webpage. If you write quality blog content on a topic, people will inevitably create links to it from their related articles, just as this post links to trusted information from Tee-solution’s articles. The more ‘trusted’ the source of a link is, the greater the ranking impact. Having internal links from your blog posts to other relevant pages on your website is also a recognized bonus of blogging.

  •  Connect People to Your Business: All of these factors of blogging (traffic, rankings, link) help connect more people to your business, broadening your network, popularity and industry status. In this sense, blogging is effectively incredibly inexpensive advertising. You can’t expect everything you write to go viral, but if you write an interesting enough blog, relevant to your industry, it can quickly and easily spread amongst countless others with similar interests; advertising your brand and business, and helping promote your industry status.
  •  Build Relationships with Customers: Equally as important as connecting people to your business, is building relationships with those people. This is where blogs can play a very distinctive role. A blog is a great way to express your business’ unique voice, and show your personal business style to existing and potential customers. It provides a forum outside of the traditional marketing-formalities of your website content, and allows you to interact with your readers on a more personal level – even directly through comments, replies and calls-to-action.
  •  Establish Your Business as an Industry Authority: No matter how small your business, there’s nothing stopping you from generating a massive industry authority in the digital era by utilizing blogging effectively. Not every blog your business publishes needs to be selling your products or services. Business blogs can be used to provide valuable, expert information on relevant topics, which helps build trust amongst your readers (who are customers or potential customers), and establish your business as an industry authority.


Finally, if your business doesn’t have a blog, you are missing the benefits blogging brings like to generate traffic to your website, networking, advertisement, search engine ranking and building relationships with your customers. If you think you don’t have the time or expertise to get your business blog started contact us and our experienced developers will help you get started.


Tee-solutions and consulting is a fulltime service, web design agency offering affordable website design and development, web hosting, domain name registration, SEO Services, training and development, and Information Technology Advisory that drive today’s businesses, ameliorate and enhance business capability,  accelerate top line growth, create better brand and ultimately beat competition.


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